

我的期中考试奋斗目标         姓名:


我的期中考试奋斗目标         姓名:


我的期中考试奋斗目标         姓名:

同学们:现在进入了初中生活 , 然而我们有些同学到现在还游离在学习之外,迟迟不能安下心来进入全心全意的学习状态,这是最可怕的。如果再不求上进,对自己放松要求,甚至不遵守纪律,这就是在游戏自己的人生。亲爱的同学们,在今后的日子里,一定要分清生命中的主次,一定要明白:什么是目前最重要的,目标助你扬帆远航,决胜人生



2010年11月6日 星期六








期中考完试以后,我的心就像阴天一样,愁眉不展:终于要宣布成绩了, 我的心扑通扑通跳个不停,该不会考砸吧! 我晕晕乎乎的听到老师宣布:侯翔,语文 95.5、数学 94、英语 69(满分 70)、科学 98,我的心里有苦有甜:苦的是,自己的基础还是不扎实,而且老 也改不掉粗心的毛病,有好多题都是因为粗心做错了,我以后一定要想法克服 粗心,认真学习,争取做的更好;甜的是,虽然我有一些小问题,但四门加起 来,还是全班第一,但我不能骄傲,俗语说的好:学海无涯苦作舟 我十分期待社会成绩,我的心像云里雾罩一样,七上八下,只恐社会成绩 把别的分拉下去,我好恐惧啊! 终于社会成绩宣布了,我考了 95 分,排名下来我还是全班第一。虽然这次 是全班第一,可我知道,我以后的学习任务会更重,竞争对手很多,稍有疏忽, 就会被别人把我甩掉的!在学习上,我的缺点还很多,我必须改掉所有缺点, 认真努力学习,争取以后做的更好! 山西省太原市清徐县职工子弟二校六年级:侯翔












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姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史:


英: 生: 地: 学号:

姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史: 姓名: 目标:班级排名: 年级排名: 挑战目标: 语: 数: 理: 化: 政: 史:


英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地: 学号:

英: 生: 地:

英: 生: 地:


一、 写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分)

二、 写出相应的小写形式,注意按书写格式写出句子。(5分)



1. UFO_______2. kg_____3. CD_________4. BBC_________5. CCTV_____ 四、 按要求写出相应的词(8.5分)

1.this(反义词)________   2.these(反义词)________  3.it______(复数形式)    4.that______(复数形式)  5.photo________(复数形式)  6.picture________(复数形式) 7.cousin_______(复数形式)  8.friend______(复数形式) 9.family________(复数形式)  10.watch__________(复数形式) 11.son(对应词)________   12.sister(对应词)________ 13.white(反义词)_________    14.have(第三人称单数)_______  15.does not(缩写)________   16.she(形容词性物主代词)________  17.where's=____________       五、英汉互译(10分)

1、在文具盒里  ___________________        2、做运动______________ 3、笔友__________                         4、一本英语词典___________ 5、在抽屉里_______________             6. 在课桌下面 ____________ 7、thanks for__________                   8.take…to ____________ 9.on the floor________________     10.answer his question ________________ 六、 单项选择(20分)

(   ) 1. ______ is the ball? It’s under the bed.

A. How    B. Where    C. What    D. Who (   ) 2. Is he your friend? Yes, ________.     A.it is   B.it isn’t       C.he is   D.he isn’t (   ) 3. Where _____ the CDs?     A. is      B. am      C. are the   D. are (   ) 4. This is ______ alarm clock.     A. a       B. the    C. an  D. 不填 (   ) 5. Anna is not my sister. ________ my cousin.

A.He          B.He’s    C.She      D.She’s

(   ) 6. There _____ a book and some rulers in the drawer.     A. are      B. is   C. 不填   D. am (   ) 7. ---Is my book on the dresser?   ---________. I can’t see it.     A. Yes, it is.    B. No, it isn’t.    C. Yes, it isn’t  D. No, it is (   ) 8. What’s thisA. an          B. on         C. in

D. at

(   .

A. map        B. oranges     C. uncle   (   ) 10. --- ______is my notebook?—It’s in the drawer.         A. Where      B. What       C. What color  D. Who (   ).11. Thank you ______ your dictionary.

A. to          B. at         C. for

(    ) 12. Are ______ her parents?

A. this        B. these      C. she

(    ) 13. ---Is this a key?   --- ______.

A. No, it isn’t.

B. It’s a ruler C. Yes, it’s.

D. No, it is.

D.that D. of D. pen

(    ) 14. Do you have a pencil sharpener?

A、Yes, I don’t.   B、No,I do.  C、Yes, I am.    D、Yes, I do.

(    ) 15. --Can you spell “pen”?   -- _______.

A、Yes, It’s pen     B、Yes, P—E—N C、No, P—E—N  D、Yes, I can't

(    ) 16. —What’s that?     —  A. It’s  B. its  C. Its  D. it’s (    ) 17. How are you?   A. Fine, thanks. B. Thank you.  C. How are you?  D. Sorry (  )18. —What color is it? —_____green.   A. It   B. It’s a  C. its  D. It’s (   )19. —Good morning, class!—________________.

A. Hello      B. Good morning, class!  C. Good morning, teacher. D. How are you?

(   )20. The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his ____ name and David is his______ name.       A. family, first     B. first, family    C. first, last   D. last, family 七、将下列单词组成句子(注意标点符号)(5分)

1. what, in, is , this, English _________________________? 2. name, what, is , please, your ___________________________? 3. how, it, you spell, do

____________________________? 4. pencil, is, your , this, please

_____________________________? 5. color,it, is, what

___________________________? 八、句型转换。按各题要求转换句型。(5分)

1.Is this an English book?(改成复数形式)

2.Is it a banana tree? (改成复数形式)

3.He is a teacher. (改成复数形式)

4.This is your pencil-box. (改成一般疑问句)

5.Mike is at school. (改成否定句)


1.This is Gina.

2.That is his brother.

3.He is my good friend.

4.These are nice pictures.

5.Those are school things.


1.Excuse me! ________ this your eraser?

2.What ________ those? ________ they birds?

3.This ________ his ruler. Where ________ my ruler?

4.My parents________ both(两个都) teachers. I______ a student.    5.________ these her English books?

6.Those ________ their apples. Where ________ his apples?    7.She ________ eleven(十一). How old ________ that boy?    8.He ________ my friend. ________ your friend a boy or a girl?

9.________ those maps? No,they ________ not. They ________ pictures.

10.These ________ your bananas. Here you ________.  十一、句子搭配。(10分)

(    ) 1. How are you? (    ) 2. Good morning!

A. No, she doesn’t.  B. Fine, thanks. C. It’s a pen. D. It’s Amy.

E.Nice to meet you,too! F. Good morning! G. Yes, I do.

(    ) 3. Do you have a ball? (    ) 4. What’s her name?

(    ) 5. What color are the pens? (    ) 6. Nice to meet you!  (    ) 7. Is this a green pen?

(    ) 8. What’s this in English?        H. Yes, it is. (    ) 9. Where’s the pen?

I. They’re green. J. It’s in the bag.

(    )10. Does your mother watch TV?


A:     (1)            A: What’s your name? A:     (2)       A:     (3)

B: Hello. Steve. B: Jim Harold. B: H-A-R-O-L-D. B: It’s 62975463. B: No, it isn’t.

A:     (4)

十三、完成句子 (5.5分)

1. 瞧!那是一辆日本产的小轿车。

______! ______ _______ a Japanese car.

2. –这是一辆公共汽车吗? --不是,是一辆吉普车。

--_______  ______ a bus? – No, ______ a jeep. 3. 我是一名英语老师。

I am _____  ______  ________. 4. 这个用英语说是什么?

What is this ______  _______? 十四、阅读理解。根据下列短文内容选择最佳答案。(11分)


Look at this . Here’s a pencil case, it’s orange, it’s my pencil case, it’s on the desk. Look! This is a pen, it’s black. And this is an eraser, it’s blue and white. They’re both (都) in the pencil case. This is a ruler, it’s red, it’s on the pencil case. That is a ruler, too.It’s yellow. It’s in the drawer. Where’s my math book? Ah, it’s there, under the sofa. (    ) 1. This is  pencil case.

A. my               B. her            C. his (

A. in the backpack   B. in the drawer   C. on the pencil case (    ) 3.  in the pencil case.

A. A pen is         B. An eraser      C. A and B are (    ) 4. The  is orange.

A. pen              B. pencil         C. pencil case (    ) 5. Where is my English book?

A. Under the sofa   B. On the desk    C. Sorry, I don’t know.


Bill 正在向大家介绍他家的新客厅,你能根据他的介绍,把所给物品的图片放在适当的位置上吗?(把物品下方的字母写在图中相应的位置里)(6分)

十五、写一写:书面表达(5分)。 你(Steven)的蓝色背包在操场上丢失,里面有书及各种文具,写一份寻物启事,你的电话:82345066


一、Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

二、I’m very happy to see you again, Mrs Smith.

三、1.不明飞行物 2.千克 3.激光唱片 4.英国广播公司 5.中国中央电视台 四、1.that 2.those 3.they 4.those 5.photo 6.pictues 7.cousins 8.frends

9.families 10.watches 11.son 12.brother 13.black 14.has 15.doesn’t 16.her  17.where is

五、1.in the pencil case/box 2.play sports  3.pen friend

4.an English dictionary  5.under the desk 7.为…而感谢 8.带…到…     9.在地板上   10.回答他的问题 六、BCDCD ABCCA CBADB AADCA 七、1. What is this in English?  2. What is your name, please?  3. How do you spell it?

4. Is this your pencil, please?  5. What color is it?

八、1. Are these English books?  2. Are they banana trees?  3. They are teachers.  4. Is this my pencil-box?  5. Mike is not at school.

九、1. Is this Gina?    Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.  2. Is that his brother?   Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.  3. Is he my good friends?   Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.

4. Are these nice pictures?  Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.  5. Are those school things?  Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 十、1.Is 2.are, Are 3. is, is 4. are, am 5.Are 6.are, are  7.is 8.is,is  9.Are, are, are   10.are, are 十一、BFGDIEHCJA 十二、EADB

十三、 1. Look! That is

2. Is this, it’s

3. an English teacher   4. in English 十四、(A)  ABCCC

(B) 图上所填从左到右依次是DCFBAE 十五、作文(略)





1. A. Oh, that’s all right.          B. I’m very happy.        C. With pleasure.

2. A. It doesn’t matter.           B. It’s missing.             C. It doesn’t write well.

3. A. Yes, please!               B. Either will do.           C. That’s fine.

4. A. He is over sixty.            B. He’s a doctor.           C. He’s much better.

5. A. I’m sorry. I’m a visitor.      B. It’s five minutes’ walk.    C. Let me have a look, please. II.听对话选择答案:你将听到下面六段对话,每段对话后均有一个或几个问题,请你根据所听到的内容选择正确的答案。每段对话之后你有一定的答题时间。听两遍。共10题,计10分。

A) 听对话1至5,回答问题6至10

6. What does the girl’s father teach?

A. English.               B. Chinese.              C. PE.

7. When will the film begin?

A. At 9:30           B. At 9:40                C. At 9:20

8. Why is the girl moving?

A. The new house is cheaper   B. She finds a new job.   C. She needs a quiet place.

9. What would the girl like the boy to do?

A. To watch a basketball game.   B. To play basketball.   C. To do his homework

10. What can we know from the talk?

A. Lucy lived here a year ago.       B. Tom no longer lives here.

C. Tom wanted to take a message for Lucy.

B) 听对话6回答11至15题。

11. Where do you think these two people are?

A. At home.           B. Outside.          C. In a baby shop.

12. What is the man worried about?

A. Having meals outside.         B. The woman’s parents’ smoking.

C. Their small house.

13. Who will tell the parents to smoke outside?

A. Nobody will.         B. The man will.      C. The woman will.

14. How long will the parents stay?

A. A week.             B. About two days.     C. A few weeks.

15. Which of the following is right?

A. The man doesn’t smoke himself.              B. The woman made a joke.

C. The man and the woman will have a baby.

III. 听短文选择正确答案:你将听到一篇短文,请根据听到的内容选择正确答案。听完短文你将有10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5题,计5分。

A. was waiting for her boy friend       B. was looking for someone she didn’t know

C. was doing exercise

17. It was very_______ that day.

A. very warm     B. cold       C. dark

18. The man was________.

A. looking for his bag   B. waiting for the girl   C. putting away something

19. The girl t to________.

A. the man when he was walking here and there   B. the place when the man left.

C. the police station when she saw the man

20. The man was caught_______.

A. by the girl and her boy friend        B. when he was going to leave

C. a few days later

IV. 听短文填表:你将听到一篇短文,根据所听短文的内容填写下表,每空词数不限。听两遍。共5题,计5分。Three different medicine


V. 单项选择:从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

26. ---I’m not sure _____ the weather will be tomorrow. What do you think?

---Sorry, I don‘t know. I didn’t listen to the weather report this morning.

A. if       B. that         C. what       D. how

27. ---When did you go to bed last night?

---I didn’t go to bed ______ 10 o’clock.

A. from        B. until        C. for         D. after

28. ---It is really terrible to see a traffic accident ________.

---Yes, that’s right. Everyone mustn’t break traffic rules .

A. to happen      B. happens       C. happened      D. happening

29. ---Did your cousins go to your birthday party yesterday?

---No, they didn’t. I invited them both, but _______ came at last.

A. none         B. both       C. neither        D. either

30. --- I am too tired. I stayed up too late last night.

---You must get    A. enough sleep   B. asleep enough      C. fast asleep     D. up early enough

31. ---How do you think we can keep our environment (环境) clean?

---We’d better do something to _____ people from throwing waste things about.

A. get           B. pull         C. stop          D. make

32. ---Never _______ others when you don’t agree with them.

---Yes, Dad. I know everyone can have their own idea even about the same question.

A. quarrel with    B. believe    C. listen to     D. help

33. ---I like summer best among the four seasons. What about you?

---________. They’re all the same to me.

A. So do I     B. Yes, I think so     C. Oh, I don’t      D. No problem

34. ---I told you not to make the same mistake _______ , but you did.

---Sorry, Miss Li. I’ll try not to.

A. no more   B. again and again    C. sooner or later   D. in fact

35. ---There is    ---Don’t worry. You can enjoy yourself a cup of tea instead.

A. few      B. a little          C. a bit of      D, little

36. ---Did you know anything about the accident?

---Just a little. I didn’t know much about it _______ I was not there that day.

A. after          B. until       C. if        D. because

37. ---_______ some hot chocolate? It tastes delicious.

---No, thanks. I’d like some Chinese tea only.

A. Is there        B. May I have     C. What about    D. Do you like

38. ---Did you _______ the physics problem in the end?

---Yes. It took a lot of time, but it’s very interesting.

A. answer     B. solve     C. look out        D. get out

39. ---What are you going to do tomorrow?

---I will grow vegetables if it ______ tomorrow, or I will stay at home.

A. doesn’t rain     B. will not rain    C. will be sunny   D. is raining.

40. --- How often do you go hiking?

A. Five times.  B. In a few days    C. For a month    D. Once a week

VI. 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。

It was December 25th.1972.Marie ,a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy. It was and Marie's mother made an unusual cake. She put four small coins into for good  ate the cake. When they the cake, there were three coins on the table. One coin was  couldn't speak. So Marie t to the hospital. Doctors in the hospital looked Marie. They took an X-ray (X光). Marie's mother asked the doctors:

41. A. party          B. Christmas   C. holiday D. winter

42. A. the cake        B. her pocket   C. the box D. Marie's bag

43. A. friends         B. health   C. luck   D. life













A. teacher         B. son   C. daughter A. began          B. finished   C. did A. bad           B. found   C. missing A. tired           B. home             C. angry A. worse          B. terrible   C. better A. still           B. also   C. sometimes A. for            B. over              C . after A. talk           B. listen   C. tell A. sure           B .busy   C. worried A. got up         B. put up   C. grew up A. something      B. anything   C. everything A. wish           B. hope     C. know D. family D. made D. put away D. ill D. lonely D. often D. up D. hear D. sorry D. turned up D. nothing D. think


VII. 阅读理解:共20小题,计40分。

A well-dressed (穿着讲究的) young lady stopped a taxi in a big square (广场), and said to the driver,

There were a lot of cars, buses and trucks in the square, so the taxi driver asked,

56. The young lady took a taxi_________.

A. to the big square            B. to go home

C. to see a young man           D. to the bus stop

57. The young lady took a taxi because__________.

A. she was going a long way   B. she wanted to cross the street

C. she was afraid to be late    D. she could make him believe she was in a hurry

58. The word

59. It was _________ when the young lady stopped the taxi.

A. 2:15.       B. 12:45.        C. 1:15.    D. 1:45.

60. From the passage we can see the young lady _________.

A. was rich.     B. was kind.     C. wasn't honest (诚实的).    D. was poor.

If you ever cross a road in a foreign country, be careful! Traffic rules (规则)  are often different there!

Before you step off the roadside in countries like Britain, always look left Stay safe crossing first, not right! Cars drive in the opposite direction (方向). Give yourself foreign roads. enough time to cross the road. Cars go much faster in Britain.

So why do the British drive on the left when most countries drives on the right?

Hundreds of years ago, almost everyone drove on the left. Why? Men used their right hands to take out their swords (剑) while they rode their horses. If an enemy (敌人) came toward (朝) them they would have their swords ready in the middle of the road to start fighting (战斗).

Napoleon, the great French leader (领导人), was left-handed. Some say that's why Europeans (欧洲人) drive on the right side!

About a quarter of the world’s people drive on the left. Australians and New Zealanders (新西兰人) do. Americans drive on the right like us.

In foreign countries, the safest place to cross a road is at a pedestrian (行人) crossing. You can press a button (按钮) and wait for the traffic lights to change to red.

Lots of foreign countries don't have as many bikes as China. Most cyclists (骑车人) wear a helmet (头盔). Children often take a test (考试) to learn to ride their bike safely.

Now, do you know how to stay safe on the roads when you travel abroad (国外)?

61. The writer tells us how to cross a road safely abroad because __________.

A. traffic rules are often different there       B. we’re new there

C. there’s a lot of traffic                   D. we know nothing about traffic

62. What should you do if you want to cross a road safely in Britain?

A. Look left and right, then walk quickly.     B. Look in front, then walk slowly

C. Look behind, then walk quickly.          D. Look left, then walk carefully.

63. How many reasons (原因) can explain (解释) why the British drive on the left?

A. One.     B. Two.      C. Three.      D. Four.

64. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. About three quarters of the world’s people drive on the right.

B. Before crossing a street you’d better press a button and wait for the red lights.

C. Traffic rules are taught as subject to school children.

D. Lots of people in foreign countries ride bikes for exercise.

65. Which of the following can be the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. Travel in Britain           B. Be safe on roads in foreign countries.

C. How to cross a road        D. Why the British drive on the left

She could have lived an easy, happy life. But instead she chose to work hard and care for the sick.

66. ____________________. Every year on her birthday, May 12, people celebrate International Nurses Day to remember the love and help that she gave to so many people.

67. ____________________. When she was 24, she told her parents she wanted to be a nurse. But they didn't like that idea. The family had lots of money, so they thought it would be better if she

didn't work. Nurses were not very well respected (尊重) at the time.

But Nightingale t on with her dream. 68____________________. There were no nursing schools at the time. She had to learn by practicing (实践).

During a war in 1854, Nightingale and a team of 38 nurses from England t to care for soldiers near Turkey (土耳其). She made the hospitals much cleaner there.

69 ____________________. She carried a lamp (灯) with her, and soldiers began to call her

In 1860, after the war, Nightingale opened the first nursing school. She also worked to make hospitals better and make rules (准则) for nurses. 70____________________.

Nightingale's birthday became International Nurses Day in 1974.

A city without cars would be very strange, right? But Venice is such a city.

Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It wasn't built on land, like Beijing or Shanghai, but on more than 110 islands. Seawater is everywhere around the city.

Even so, travel isn't that difficult. The waterways are always the best way to get around. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can lead (带领) you where you want to go.

People in Venice move from place to place by boat. They like to enjoy cool summer nights while taking boat trips. They can talk to other people as they go along.

Venice grew out of small islands in saltwater lakes when some Italians ran from a war (战争) more than 1,500 years ago, and built homes there.

Water makes the city unusual, but it is also a big problem.

Once, people used too much underground water. This made the city got lower, little by little. The city t down by 23 centimeters (厘米).

Every year, high waters hit the city in autumn and winter. When a lot of water es, more than half of the city is under water.

Another problem is the rising seawater. The temperature has risen over the years. This has made arctic (北极的) ice melt (融化).

Scientists are trying different ways to stop the city from getting even lower.

71. Why does the writer think Venice is strange?

72. On what was Venice built?

73. How do visitors travel round Venice?

74. What problem is Venice facing?

75. What’s making Venice go down little by little?

VIII. 阅读填空:根据所给短文内容,在下面方框内的短文中填入适当的词,每空一词。共10题,计10分。

Mike lives in a small town. He works in a zoo and loves animals very much. He has a dog and he always plays with it. He often saves money to buy some nice food for his dog. .

One day a friend of his asked him to dinner .He t there with his dog. When they were eating, he gave some meat, fish, chicken and cakes to it. His friend said: “You love your dog very much, don’t you?” “Yes,” Mike said. “And it is very clever. If you give it some money, it can buy some newspapers for you.” So his friend gave the dog some money and the dog t out at once.

An hour passed, but the dog didn’t e back. . Mike looked worried and asked: “How much did you give my dog?” “Ten dollars.” answered his friend.


注意:1.地点:图中标 处是蔡恩家。







1. Sorry to give you so much trouble.   (A)

2. What’s wrong with your pen?        (C)

3. Would you like to have tea or coffee?     (B)

4. How is the old man?     (C)

5. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the nearest flower shop?      ()


A) 听对话1至5,回答问题6至10

Dialogue 1

M: What does your father teach? Chinese or English?

W: Neither Chinese or English, but PE.   (C)

Dialogue 2

M: It’s half past nine now. It’s ten minutes’ walk from here to the cinema.

W: Yes, you’re right. If we start to go now, we’ll get there on time.    (B)

Dialogue 3

M: I hear you are moving to a new house soon.

W: I have to, because the man upstairs is dancing all time and I can’t sleep.   (C)

Dialogue 4

W: We’re going to watch a basketball game. Would you like to e, too?

M: I’d love to. But I have a lot of homework to do.    (A)

Dialogue 5

M: Excuse me, would you please take a message for Tom, Lucy?

W: Sorry, he doesn’t live here any longer. He t to Australia a year ago.    (A)

B) 听对话6回答11至15题。

Dialogue 6

W: My mother and father will be here this Saturday.

M: Yah?

W: What’s the matter? Don’t you like them?

M: Sure, I do. But I really don’t like them to smoke in the house.

W: There, just for the weekend. It’s not a big problem, isn’t it?

M: Second-hand Smoking is a big problem around here, it’s dangerous, especially for the baby. W: I know what you mean, but what shall we do?

M: We can ask them to smoke outside.

W: I guess you are right. OK, you can tell them when they get here.

M: Me? Are you joking? They are your parents, you’d better tell them.  (11-15 ABCBA)

III. 听短文选择正确答案:你将听到一篇短文,请根据听到的内容选择正确答案。听完短文你将有10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。

Jean t to the park one cold evening. It was not very dark. She thought it was about 6 o’clock. She walked around in the park to keep warm waiting for her boyfriend to e. When she came to a big tree. She saw a man looking around near the lake in the park. The man began to walk here and there, looking very strange. The man didn’t see her, after a while she saw him put something under a big stone near the lake and leave in a hurry. She couldn’t wait to know what he had done, she hurried to the place and surprised to see a big bag under the stone. In the bag, she found a lot of money, she told everything to her boyfriend when he came. They knew there was something behind the money, so they asked for the police, a few days later, Jean was happy to know the man was caught by the policeman in the park. (16---20. ABCBC)

IV. 听短文填表:你将听到一篇短文,根据所听短文的内容填写下表,每空词数不限。听两遍。共5题,计5分。

Ann felt very ill. She had a terrible headache, and her ears hurt, too. So her mother told her to see a doctor. She told the doctor what was wrong, and the doctor said: “Listen carefully. I’m going to give you three different medicine. First I’m going to give you these green pills. I want you to take one pill three times a day, after meals. Now look at these red pills. I want you to take two every night, before you go to sleep. Now look at these yellow pills. Take two every time you get an earache, but please remember this: Never take more than four in a day. Do you understand?”

21. headache    22.  earache    23. one pill three times a day.   24. Red pills

25. two every time you get an earache


V. 26---30. ABDCA      31---35. CACBD      36---40. DCBAD

VI. 41---45. BACDB     46---50. CDCAB      51---56. ADCAD

VII. 56---60. CDADC    61---65. ADBCB      66---70. DEBAC

71. Because Venice is a city without cars.   72. On more than 110 islands.

73. By boat.     74. Water problem/Water made the city get lower/go down/sink, little by little.

75. Using too much underground water and the rising seawater

VIII. 76.clever    77.food     78.friends     79.have        80.takes

81.took      82.gave     83.later      84.worried      85. film

IX. One possible version

Dear Tony,

I came to see you but you were out. Tomorrow is Cai En's birthday. We'll hold a party at Cai En's home tomorrow afternoon. We'll dance and sing and we'll also have a big cake. We will be very happy if you can e.

Cai En's home is not far from our school. If you e, you may go straight along the People's Road. Then turn right at the Happy Road and go across the Sunshine Road. And you'll find a cinema on the left, Cai En's home is just beside it. Hope to see you at the party.


Jun Xiu


中期考试,我们的加油站亲爱的老师,亲爱的同学,早上好!我是五(3)班班长*××。今天,我的讲座题目是中期考试,我们的加油站。上周,我们刚刚通过了中期考试。每个测试结果出来后,得分当然很重要,因为它测量了我们有多少知识。但考试后最重要的不仅是分数,发现学习中的问题,反映自己的损益,有效的提高,这是最重要的。首先,要反思:是否已经认识到学习是他们的职责?我想学习还是要我学习?这一点非常重要。很多学生没有测试好测试,其实不是因为大脑不好,关键是没有积极学习。我父亲经常在我身边:让我吃饭和穿衣是他们父母的责任,阅读,阅读是我的责任。只有认真学习,学习知识,获得高水平的教育,才会有更多的空间选择自己喜欢的工作,会有更加精彩的生活,也更好地为社会服务。虽然我不能真正了解我父亲的话,但我记得:学习是我的职责,我想学习。其次,反思:他们是否坚持努力?想要采取    好的结果应该是每个学生的梦想。有些学生只留在梦中,没有采取行动;有些学生做,但也有行动,但是,一天,两天,三天都很辛苦,感觉太苦,坚持下去。宝剑峰锐化,梅花从苦寒。那些学习领导的人,每个人都付出了比别人更多的努力。帮助奥巴马竞选总统的Jon Fifelo经常在下午三点钟停留,然后休息两个小时,然后在5点钟升起。他的努力工作,加上非凡的智慧,成为美国历史上最年轻的白宫首席演讲稿撰稿人,在美国政治界打破了一个惊人的数字。当然,你也可以反思:自己的学习方法是否合适,如何摆脱粗心的问题等等。上周已过,本周已经开始,在这次考试中取得优秀的学生成绩,我祝贺你!我希望你能看到成果作为一个新的起点,不断努力,建立更高的目标,取得更好的成绩。对于暂时落后考试的学生,我希望你勇敢面对,并全面总结。只要你决心每天都进步 - 一点点,一段时间后,你会变得非常好;每天都有点努力    会给老师,自己一个惊喜。我们不能要求每个人都是赢家,但我想成为一个勇敢的人,追求进步,超越自己。学习会继续,考试会来,中期考试,只是一个加油站,谁会在期末考试中取得优异的成绩?同学,加油!我的演讲结束了,谢谢大家。