




1 带来landfill: outdated devices, discarded chemicals, plastic packaging.

2 带来out of work: automation contribute to out of work; the development of puters and transistors and the acpanying trend toward miniaturization.

3 坏处:automobile exhausts, pesticides such as DDT threaten the food chain, mineral wastes pollute reservoirs of groundwater.

4 好处:teleuniting: because of the side effect relatively inferior, improve productivity, develop quantity management, reduce labor resourcefulness.

5 双面性:as medicine both have side effect; however, people could not reject to receive them with more benefits.

6 事例:国防军备,基因治疗疾病,机器人的工业用途,全球化;事业,个人隐私,伦理,社会不平等,文化落后,文化殖民,温室效应,饮水质量数量,灌溉用水,工业用水,发电,渔业,化学泄漏,核泄漏导致死亡,疾病。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Electronic Dictionaries. You should write at least 150 words, and base your position on the outline below:




Electronic Dictionaries

In recent years electronic dictionaries have bee very popular as a study aid among students.

Compared with a traditional dictionary, this kind of new dictionary has many advantages. First, in parison with a traditional dictionary, it is obviously very handy and convenient. Besides, due to its multifunction, it is also very helpful. It can not only translate words from English to Chinese, but vise versa. Some even can teach a learner how to pronounce a word. Most important of all, most of the entries in electronic dictionaries are paratively updated.

On the other hand, an electronic dictionary has its disadvantages. To begin with, the definitions in the entries are very limited. In addition, there are not enough explanations, patterns, or examples to illustrate the correct usage of a word. Last but least, constant use of this study aid make people too much attached to the dictionary and bee lazy, which will lead them to form a passive and lazy attitude towards learning.

As far as I am concerned, we should use it properly and should have a good English dictionary at hand and treat the electronic one as a makeshift(权宜之计), when necessary.

Internet and Our Life

Internet is now one of the best forms of media,with its swiftness and interactivity.Internet is being the foundation of our modem society.   With the assistance of Internet,more people can now municate with one another more freely and quickly.Internet also serves to be a great source of wisdom and creation.It is already being the electronic library of the future,giving vent to creativity and ingenuity unparalleled in human history.But Internet is a double-bladed sword.Its ability to distribute information and connect people around the world is often abused by us.Junk mail proliferates the Internet.Every year,many young people are deceived by their online friends The damage we have suffered from Internet is also too revere to recover.

Indeed,Internet access connects many of us to a world of information at the touch of a button.Internet is such an integral part of our life.In order to have Internet serve us human-beings well,we must not take its negative sides for granted.Web sites,especially the web sites available to the young children,must be strictly censored.It is time we took effective measures to minimize the side effects of Internet.

Cell Phones

Nowadays,with the rapid development of IT and information industry,cell phones play a dominant role in people’s life.But,like everything else,they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.On the one hand,the mobile phone is portable and convenient.Being wireless,you can carry them ever

ywhere with great ease.You can reach a person wherever and however far away he is.On the other hand,it is a Mend indeed.

Whenever you e across trouble,you can call for help immediately.

However,just as every coin has two sides,the cell phone also has its many disadvantages.Some people plain that mobile phones give unpleasant noise on some important occasions when the owner forgets to turn them off.And it also cuts into people’s spare time,because with the mobile phone the boss can easily reach them and call them to duty during their spare time.Worst of all,the electromagnetic wave emitted from the phone is said to be harmful to people’s health and does often cause headaches to the owner.

In my opinion,with its expenses greatly reduced and China’s entry into WTO,the cell phone,will face an even brighter future in its development.They have changed the way we municate an.d have made our life more convenient,and thus will stay in people’s life.








军事利器,无不体现者火药的巨大作用。长安洛阳,气势恢宏。以其独特的皇家威仪和其巨大的后世参考价值享誉海内外,成为日本平安京、新罗金城、高句丽平壤和渤海国上京龙泉府的模仿对象。科技,将盛唐推上了中国上下五千年的又一个高峰。 宋朝。活字印刷术改良了传统的雕版刻印,让经典著作更加普及;指南针与方位盘首次结合,开启了北宋航海事业的新篇章;改进了唐时火药,发明出了大炮前身——"管状金属火枪";杨忠辅制作统天历 ,以365.2425日为一年的长度,跟现在世界通用的格里哥利历完全相同。宋朝,亦是中国科技的巅峰时期。







2015级31班   刘明沁



雅思写作科技类一直是雅思考试热点中的热点,在今年已经考了七场,差不多每月一次的频率。而且科技类常常与新兴媒体相结合,比如网络、电视等。为此小编特收集整理雅思写作科技类素材整理,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。   2015年雅思写作素材免费下载


20130323 Scientific progress influences our daily life greatly. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

201300718 Internet has great influence on shop, job, and

munication. Nowadays people don’t have to meet friends face to face but by internet. What are the advantages and disadvantages?




1、Since its birth in the 17th century, modern science has changed the world beyond recognition, and overwhelmingly for the better.


beyond recognition/imagination/doubt, beyond这种表达也非常生动形象,曾经在剑桥雅思的考官范文中出现过,也非常地道。   Overwhelmingly 压倒性地,非常好的一个词。

2、Modern scientists are doing too much trusting and not enough verifying—to the detriment of the whole of science, and of humanity.   the detriment of 有害,替换大家经常说的harmful这个词语。

3、Too many of the findings that fill the academic ether are the result of shoddy experiments or poor analysis. A rule of thumb among

biotechnology venture-capitalists is that half of published research cannot be replicated.

Either or这个词语放在阅读里想必没有人不认识,可是能够熟练地应用到写作中的学生就不多了,通过这个例句,希望大家可以学会使用这个非常棒的表达。

A rule of thumb 经验之谈

4、Even when flawed research does not put people’s lives at risk—and much of it is too far from the market to do so—it squanders money and the efforts of some of the world’s best minds.

it is too far from the market to do so 这个too far的表达也很地道,很多学生在写的时候只会用否定句,可以尝试使用这个表达。

Squander相当于waste 浪费的意思,可以用来指浪费金钱和浪费力气。

5、One reason is the petitiveness of science. In the 1950s, when modern academic research took shape after its successes in the second world war, it was still a rarefied pastime.

Competitiveness竞争力,注意与近义词petition 竞争区别,比如international petitiveness国际竞争力;

Take shape成型

6、Careerism also encourages exaggeration and the cherry-picking of results.


cherry-pick 挑选

7、Conversely, failures to prove a hypothesis are rarely even offered for publication, let alone accepted.

Conversely,匡威,表示对比,与此相对的是,表示转折。   prove a hypothesis证明一个假设

let alone 更不要说…

8、Science still mands enormous—if sometimes


Enormous 巨大的,不要一想到多只会说lots of/many

9、But its privileged status is founded on the capacity to be right most of the time and to correct its mistakes when it gets things wrong. And it is not as if the universe is short of genuine mysteries to keep generations of scientists hard at work.

Privileged 有特权的

10、The false trails laid down by shoddy research are an unforgivable barrier to understanding.

False, shoddy,等词,全文一直在做替换,非常丰富,一篇优秀的雅思文章也要体现学生用词表达的丰富性。





题目:With the wide use of puters and the Internet, people can study and work from home without going to school or pany. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 解析    今天的题目考的是“利用网络在家学习和工作”。如果按照出题频率来说,这个题应该可以排到雅思考试的前三甲了。再加上小作文考的那个柱状图,4月26号考雅思的同学有福了。

好写的题目都有一个共同的特点,就是贴近大家的学习工作生活,容易想到很多的素材和理由。如果你在家工作,你就不用每天去挤公交和地铁,浪费时间不说,还把人折磨得身心俱疲(save a great deal of time and energy)。另外,时间安排会更灵活(have a flexible schedule)。只要你能完成任务(meet the deadline),不管你几点开工,很多人早上9点脑子还没醒过来,而到了晚上他们反而工作起来倍精神。对于学生,如果在网上上课当然也很方便,除了免去上学放学的辛苦,还可以把课程录下来反复听(review the course content many times),无论学霸学渣都可以按照自己的节奏来复习。

关于这种模式的弊端,主要有以下一些:让员工和学生都缺乏面对面的交流(face-to-face munication),变得比较疏远(bee alienated)。对于员工来说,少了老板的监督和约束(supervision and discipline),很多人可能发现工作效率会降低。也许你上下班路上省了俩小时,结果还不够你淘宝、聊天和打游戏的。家里的环境让人放松(relaxing),估计很多人都觉得在家里缺乏工作的氛围(atmosphere)。

最关键的一点是对于学生的影响。本篇范文用到了“剑8-1”的一些素材:学习的目的不只是学知识和获取信息(education is not about learning information and acquiring knowledge only),还需要学习与人相处(interact with their peers),学习尊敬老师(respect their teachers),学习遵守纪律(obey school rules),而这些都是远程教学(distance learning)所无法学到的。所以文章的结论是:在家工作和上课也许会变得越来越流行(popular),但是这种模式只适合某些工作,而且它永远不会取代传统的学校(replace conventional schools)。

2014-04-26 利用网络在家工作和学习

The advent (到来)of the Internet has made it possible for people to study and work from home. When we enjoy the convenience and flexibility of this new pattern, its negative influence should also be noted.

Working from home enables employees to have a flexible schedule. As long as they can meet the deadline, they can choose any time in a day to do their work without starting or finishing at a regular time, as they do in conventional panies. In distance learning, the course content can be recorded and replayed, which means students can review it as many times as they want. The most attractive part is that employees and students do not need to travel to the pany and the school every day, saving a great deal of time and energy.

However, this work pattern probably only suits some jobs that can be done on the puter such as designing, accounting, translation, etc.. Due to the lack of face-to-face munication, colleagues are likely to bee alienated, which may affect their cooperation. Another problem is the relaxing environment at home. Without discipline and supervision, some employees may find it difficult to finish their tasks on time.

The biggest concern is perhaps for students, whose education is not about learning information and acquiring knowledge only. When staying in school, students will learn how to interact with their peers, how to respect their teachers, how to obey school rules, etc. These elements are an

indispensable part of education, but they will be missing in distance learning.

To sum up, learning and working via the Internet is a convenient way and it is expected to bee more popular in the future. However, we should take other factors into consideration when we decide to work or study from home. In my view, this pattern will never replace

conventional schools.


题目:Some think that printed books are not necessary in the digital era, because all writing can be stored electronically.

Others think printed books still play an important role. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

解析: 关于电子书的好处,大家应该比较容易想到。很多人在地铁里都是捧着电子书在看,所以它最大的好处是方便。联系到之前考过的电子图书馆,有很多素材都可以使用,包括节省空间、节约纸张和有利于环境保护。而且查阅电子期刊可以不用跑去图书馆,只需要在家里的电脑上就可以操作,这也带来了便利和高效。

这个题目的另一方可能稍微难想到理由,就是纸质书的优势。喜欢读书的人可能都对印刷的书比较有感觉,泡一杯茶、放一段音乐、捧一本书。这是一种阅读的享受enjoyable experience。此外,看电脑屏幕还有损视力。在存储一些重要的文件资料的时候通常也会使用纸质的材料,这样显得更正式一些。所以说,电子书的作用会越来越大,但是纸质书也不会完全消失。

2014-03-13 电子书vs纸质书

In the information age, electronic books have bee so prevalent that some people claim that printed books will disappear soon. However, other people hold a different opinion, believing that printed books still play an important role. This essay will discuss both sides.

Electronic books have obvious advantages in storing and disseminating information. They do not occupy large space as paper books do. For example, the whole library can be made available online and this kind of electronic library can save abundant land resources. Reading e-books is also much more convenient than the traditional way of reading. People can store hundreds of books in their mobile phone and take them for a vacation instead of carrying a heavy suitcase of paper books. Most importantly, e-books are environmentally friendly as they save a huge amount of wood resources used for producing paper. When our living environment is deteriorating, replacing paper books with e-books is of significance to the protection of the globe.

However, some people argue that printed books are still indispensable in our life and will never disappear. For many readers, having a printed book on the hand gives them an enjoyable experience of reading that is different from looking at the puter screen. Watching the screen for

too long is harmful to the eyesight, particularly for children. It is also worth mentioning that printed information plays an irreplaceable role in storing essential documents such as contracts and archives.

In my view, the role of printed books will inevitably diminish. In order to save resources and protect the environment, we should reduce the use of paper books and advocate electronic books. But printed books will not disappear because they also have their advantages.


题目:Some people think that using mobile phones and puters has a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这是一个典型的科技话题,看似比较简单,但仔细一琢磨也不是那么容易。需要严格扣题。这个题只能写手机电脑对于reading和writing skills的影响,写别的素材就容易跑偏。如果怕字数不够,可以把它拆分来写,比如分别写手机和电脑,分别写对于reading和writing的影响,这样字数就能写得更多一些。

这篇文章的用词都非常简单,因为都是生活中大家熟悉的素材,比如打手机make phone calls、发微信send voice messages、发短信send text messages,这些都使人们没有机会去读和写,虽然发短信也需要读和写,但是那个文字太简单太口语了,大多是“笑脸”“呵呵”“lol”之类的。所以损害了年轻人的读写技能Undermine young people’s reading and writing skills.

电脑也是有害无益。小孩子用电脑打字的时候会不太关注单词拼写和语法,因为很多时候软件有自动纠错功能correct the mistakes automatically。虽然有人说电脑和网络使大家有



2015-3-28 手机电脑损害年轻人的读写能力(科技话题)

Using electronic products such as mobile phones and puters has bee an indispensable part of our daily lives. Some people believe that the popularization of

affect young people’s

An important function of these munication tools is to enable people to interact with each other via sound and pictures. Such activities as making phone calls and sending voice messages and photos can be done on the mobile phone, which means people have fewer opportunities to read and write. Although some people still write text messages, the every reason to believe that using mobile phones may undermine young people’s reading and writing skills.

Another essential device in life is the puter, which has the same negative effect. When people write on the puter, they pay less attention to their spelling and grammar, as the mistakes can be corrected automatically with the help of Office Software. This is

particularly harmful to teenagers, who need to practice writing by hand the puter and the Internet provide people with more materials to read, the fact is that most of reading before the screen is about news and short passages. Fewer young people choose to read literature on books.

I argue that using puters and mobile phones have a negative impact on young people’s reading and writing ability. It seems unrealistic to ban the use of these devices among them, we need to encourage them to stay away from electronic devices for some time in their daily lives.




摘要: 雅思大作文是我们在雅思考试中必须重视的部分,而大家在雅思写作备考期间最主要的备考资料就是雅思作文范文。今天小编给考生们整理出了雅思作文科技类范文汇总,考生可以免费进行下载。

在 雅思 作文题目中,经常会出现一些科技类的题目,雅思科技类作文对于很多考生而言相对专业,词汇,句式方面都是不小的考验,所以今天小编给考生们整理了雅思作文科技类范文,考生可以下载这些范文积极备考,相信会对考生们备考有所帮助。



Scientific and technological advances have changed our lives. But some scientists in some fields say that scientists are not able to find solutions to the problems they have created. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


We sure live differently from our parents did decades ago. The changes are wide and profound. At the same time, we are facing challenges and problems unknown in the past. Could we find solutions to problems created by scientific development? The answer seems to be no.

Some of the most obvious problems caused by technological advances lie in the IT industry. At a time when we did not have puters and electronic bank services, people took money with them and paid by cash. If they were stolen, only the amount they had with them was lost. But now credit cards are more monly used in shopping malls and other places, crimes again us have bee more serious and caused greater losses to people. A thief may tape the code of your credit card and make a copy of it. Then he could safely withdraw all your money from an ATM machine. Crimes such as this are very sticky to solve because there is no witness and the surveillance cameras give little help to the police.

Another example is the issue of information control with the media industry including TV networks and Internet that give easy access to information without discrimination to people’s age. This has created a huge problem for parents and schools because teenage people are particularly vulnerable to adult materials and information violent in nature. In the past, when most information came in the form of print, it was relatively easy to control what children read. When a parent put away a book unsuitable for children, they were cut off from the source of information. With puter parents could use software to filter bad web sites but could not prevent new ones from appearing every day.


以上内容就是小编给考生整理的雅思作文科技类范文部分内容,由于篇幅有限,考生可以点击下载雅思作文科技类范文汇总帮助自己进行备考,争取在 雅思考试 中可以取得优异的成绩。

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