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提示:打喷嚏— sneeze ;吐痰— spit

Manners are important to happy relations among people. No one likes a person with bad manners. A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to offer help. When he asks for something, he says “please” and when he receives something, he always says “thanks”。 He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When he sneezes or spits, he uses a handkerchief. As a sutdent, it is a bad manner to e late to class. If you are late you should say “I'm sorry.” to the teacher at the time or after class

Good manners mean good behaviour in social munication. A person with good manners is always agreeable panion, because he is always thinking of others and respect others. He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance. Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man of highest standards.

To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one’s daily behaviour—the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people. To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.

Good manners are about respect. They are what makes a society function smoothly: it is the lubricant for social interaction. We are living in a society after all!

Showing good manners, using please and thank you, smiling and greeting someone etc are all ways of showing respect for the person you are interacting with and indicating in a subtle way to them that they are important to you and that you are acknowledging their feelings. Everyone wants to feel acknowledged and respected. All

social situations would be more pleasant if people would show this kind of consideration for each other.

Good manners have fallen by the way side in life today as our culture is more concerned with speed over substance, getting things done more quickly, at the expense of quality or care. It is faster to push someone out the way, whether physically or emotionally, than to bother to take the time to respect them , to put in a bit of effort to be pleasant. This is all part of our 'fast food' culture and the 'me me me' culture. Parents often seem to put their children in front of the TV rather than spend time with them, teaching them how to go on in life. And of course children learn how to treat others and talk to them from watching their parents. So the decline of manners continues.

How much does it cost you to say thank you? Or to add the word please onto the end of a request? How nice does it feel when someone actually smiles at you or takes the trouble to say hello? In actual fact it also feels nice to be the one to bestow a kind word, it feels great, a bit like giving to charity. It can brighten a person's whole day if they are feeling bad abotu anything. It reminds them there are good people out there, that people do care, that society does still exist. It feels warm and friendly to both parties.

This is a problem at work too, with senior managers not bothering with the 'little people', why greet them or make them feel special when they are that unimportant to the pany? But be nice to those you meet on the way up, you may just see them again on your way down. And the words 'to the pany' are the ones to think about. It is not about the pany it is about one human being to another. We are all together on this earth, as equals, so let us be nice to eachother - it will make us all have a happier day!

Good manners are simply respect and consideration for others or being aware of the needs of others. They are the oil which creates a happy and successful society. If children are not taught good manners they think that they are the most important people in the

manners begins with parents but it doesn't end with parents, teachers too can help but so too can everyone. Set an example today, open that door for that lady with the pushchair behind you, give your seat up on the bus for that elderly lady with the big shopping bag, ban the TV advert where a man shouts loudly about windows and while we're about it let our politicians debate the issues without making personal attacks on one


the importance of good manners

Good manners play an important part in maintaining peace and good-wiling in a munity. A man who has good manners does not hurt the feelings of others, and therefore he is on good terms with his friends and neighbors and also with others. In this way he helps to keep peace in society.

But a man whose manners are bad has no respect for others. He uses words carelessly and behaves rudely towards other and causes a lot of ill-will and unpleasantness. In the end, it is he himself who suffers the most. Everyone avoids him and he is forced to live almost in isolation.

To live well in a society, money alone is not enough. We should also have good manners, for it is human nature to seek friendship; and friendship cannot be bought with money. Friendship with others makes life pleasant and it has to be earned through our own attitude towards others. If we are kind to others, they will be kind to us, and kindness is the essence of good manners. Bad manners not only drive away friends but also others, including our own family members.

Even the richest man cannot afford to have had manners. For a man may have enough money to buy all things than he wants; but if his manners are bad he will have no friends, and no one can live happily without friends. Even the members of his own family may not respect him and finally he will bee a lonely man.

On the other hand, a man whose manners are good has many friends. He mands the respect of all those who e into contact with him. He does not talk ill about others. Even when he is provoked, he tries his best to use words in a way which will not offend others. He is also sympathetic towards the weak and ignorant and does not poke fun at the deformities and weaknesses of others.

There are, however, many people who behave so well outside their homes that they are respected and admired by everyone outside. But in their own homes they are worse than the devil. Such people could not be said to have good

manners. Their whole behavior is a pretence and it does not take long for others to discover this.

If one’s manners are good, one behaves well everywhere, even when one is away from the critical eyes of others. Only such a person can live well in society. It is therefore essential for everyone to cultivate good manners.





人真的会以貌取人!也就是说我们的外貌、态度占整体印象的93%。这样的一个高比例,也在提醒我们说我们时刻都要注重自己的形象。五五三八七— —形象定律55是指在不认识彼此的情形下,人们对另一个人的印象55%是来自于非语言肢体动作与外貌表现,38是人说话的声调音量和速度,这个在第一印象中占38%。最后7指的是你说话的内容,也就是说,你真正说的内容只占7%。当你听完这一组数据分析的时候,你可能会想:多数人总是把注意力集中在影响他人印象最轻微的说话内容上,而忽略了影响更大的肢体语言和外貌表现,以及你说话的声调音量和速度上。那我们在这边想跟各位强调:你想要给人留下良好的第一印象,随时都需要做好准备才不会再短短的几秒钟里丧失了一些绝好的机会。












当然,这个也是根据公司文化而定的,不过从一开始你对这个公司文化并不是太了解的时候没我们通常建议避免过多身体上的接触。 当然还有一个叫做保持舒适距离。所谓数是距离主要是你对对方的而熟悉程度。通常将亲密距离是0-45cm,通常的个体距离45-120cm,社交距离是在120-360cm之间。舒适距离取决于你和对方的熟悉程度。

? 同性朋友避免牵手我们尊重不同文化不同背景下人与人之间的关系,但是在大部分情形下还是要避免不必要的误会。

? 避免过多动作









? 接电话 在面试或工作的场合不是不能接电话,但至少要对你周围的人表示尊重。比如面试的过程中,如果真的有非常重要的电话打进来请跟面试官做个示意:这个电话非常重要,可不可以让我接听一下?然后我们再接着聊。只有表现出对对方的尊重别人才会来尊重你。

? 握手 在握手的时候也有非常需要注意的细节。比如说,我们需要握手短而有力,要有眼神的交流,需要站立起来,保持一个非常良好的姿势与对方握手,千万不要坐在椅子上与对方握手。这是非常不尊重对方的行为。

? 名片交换 初次见面的时候还有名片的交换。我曾经历过有人直接把名片扔给我,就像扔飞镖一样,特别不舒服。大家要记住:名片是每个人的脸。当你不尊重自己的脸的时候,别人怎么会尊重你。所以在名片交换时请一定要注意正确的递送方向。双手递送,在递名片的时候一定要说出自己的名字。在开会场合同时受到很多新名片的时候,建议大家把新收到的名片放在会议桌上,在与对方沟通的时候,时不时看一看名片内容,以确认对方身份。

? 手机 手机成为每个人必不可少的物品质之一,在需要提醒大家的是在进入职场之后也要注意受雨季使用规则。比如:在会议场所可能需要关掉手机或静音,在和人会面的时候需要接听电话,可以提前告知:我在等一个重要电话,可能一会要接听一下。在办公室里建议不要使用特殊的铃声。





穿正装时的注意事项:首先要从头开始检查你的头发,你的眼睛你的牙齿是否都干净整齐,那接下来的话要准备你深色的西装套装以及相匹配的领带。注意匹配的领带颜色上的选择,要符合这个公司的文化氛围。稍微活跃点的文化氛围可以选择比较亮的颜色,但通常我们会选择相对深色系的领带。对于西装的话我们也是提醒要经过熨烫。 对于某些对正装要求比较严格的公司,可能还会要求有袖扣。所以在购买长袖衬衣的时候还需要搭配有袖口的。对于皮带的选择,需要注意的是我们不建议你把手机放在你的皮带上,当然还有你的包,建议配上皮革的公文包,以及配上相符合色系的鞋子。除了鞋子还有就是你袜子的选择。经常会看到有些人穿得很得体却配上一双不合适颜色的袜子,就会显得特别突兀,所以一定要注意颜色的搭配。从颜色上来说,通常在商务的正装领域,建议都是黑色、深蓝、深灰或者条纹是属于比较符合商务正装形象的。对于皮鞋来讲一定要穿着有鞋带的皮鞋,颜色上也是以黑色为主,袜子依然选择深色系。 男性着装除了商务正装,还有商务休闲装。也就是休闲西装,通常需要搭配长袖带领衬衫,而且由于商务休闲比较注重风格,所以建议不要佩戴领带。裤子和皮鞋颜色选择跟正装类似。 男装第三类是指时尚休闲,这也比较符合现在年轻人的品味。建议搭配有领的棉质衬衫或者外衣,裤子的颜色可以选择米色或浅灰色来搭配。


接下来是女士商务正装,通常是上下分开的的套装,包括长袖衬衣、长裤。也有配套裙和短的上衣。那皮鞋选择封口的也就是不会把脚趾露出来的。鞋跟在3-5厘米左右。颜色也和男士类似,选择相对深色系的,避免过于靓丽的颜色。同时也还是要注意企业氛围。 女士商务休闲,可以相对舒适的选择衬衣配连衣裙,或者连衣裙配相对合适的皮鞋。

