



I like movies very much. My favorite movie is "Love Me Once More, Mom".This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son?was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn't find him She was very sad and almost t mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.


















*  电影《何以笙箫默》影评

*  小小飞虎队电影观后感

*  电影《左耳》影评












健全时的她,尽情欣赏蔚蓝的天空深邃又不乏可爱,缥缈的洁白的云儿时而点缀其间,葱绿的草原辽阔又生机勃勃,肥美健壮的牛羊留恋于这片盎然之中。然而一切都因失去双手开始,不,被截去双手的那一刻起,她成了  残疾人。多么沉重的三个字。顷刻之间让一个高中生去接受,这真的,真的好残忍。






当自己稍有些 安稳 时。母亲竟疯了!她的刺激受的太多,的确,女儿的残疾,是心中的痛;被校方拒之千里,是心中的忧;成绩的不理想是心中的伤,加上数月来为女儿操心劳累,她真的受不了,里里外外,想到的只有一个人那就是  女儿。


此时,她已是一名运动员,听到雷鸣般的讯息,她的母亲,那个伟大的母亲因为受不了女儿没被录取的再次打击,终于出走了。黄昏,她的心惊。 母亲,走了。












整部电影讲述了大雄意外地挖出了完整的恐龙蛋化石,并用哆啦A梦的道具 时间包袱 将其还原成一亿年前的样子,并孵化出白垩纪蛇颈龙宝宝 皮助。但是却因此引来了恐龙猎人的觊觎。为了保护皮助,大雄和他的朋友们一起将它带回恐龙时代,与邪恶的恐龙猎人斗争,最终大雄等人打败了恐龙猎人,安全地将皮助送回了他的同伴中  整部影片非常感人,票房达15亿6000万日元,观众数320万人。

在这里,我都有点嫉妒大雄了,虽然他成绩差、头脑笨、经常迟到并且忘记写作业  但是他有哆啦A梦和许多真挚的好朋友,有一颗善良的心!虽然他曾被胖虎揍173次,被老师骂20次,被妈妈骂327次,被狗咬23次,掉进水沟里14次,但是他依然乐观向上的生活着。大雄非常的善良,他经常收留无家可归的流浪动物。他十分喜爱植物,曾照料蒲公英,看着他们慢慢长大,飞向天际。看到孤零零的小树苗产生了怜悯之心,便央求哆啦A梦拿出道具 植物自动化液 给小树苗撒上,让小树苗有了生命。



哆啦A梦  永恒的经典!




片中的母亲,开始以为只要让孩子吃好、穿好、玩好,孩子就会认真学习,所以什么事都宠着刘刚,再加上她工作很忙,没有时间管理刘刚。后来他觉得刘刚越来越不听话了,这才意识到这样下去是不行的,于是他学习 孟母三迁 的精神,用环境改的方法去改变刘刚,铁石心肠的刘刚终于被妈妈的爱所感动了,开始懂得学习,懂得替妈妈分担家庭责任了。而她自己,却因长时间患病做苦力活而死掉了,她临终前告诉刘刚,箱子底下有他爸爸生前留下的一百万元,一定要将这钱捐给希望工程











世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝 没错,妈妈就是我们的一盏明灯,指明了生活的道路。星期五的时候,我们看了一部电影《爱心》,这部电影我看了以后,使我受益匪浅,我记得这部电影的大意是:一位母亲她自己得了肝癌,但还帮助一些失明老人,让他们能看到光明。瞧,这就是母亲的爱心。而着部电影的男主人公却是一位花花公子,和一些地痞流氓整天在一起吃喝玩乐,不思进取,还把母亲交给他的给失明老人治病的钱都花了个精光。为此,母亲觉得对不起小柯那死去的父亲,便做出一个决定  让孩子自己去闯荡天下,在经历沧桑中来锤炼儿子。就这样,母亲给了小柯去上海的车费,好叫她的一个老同学,看着他,不让他走歪道。但是儿子却完全不懂,只是没好气地说: 走就走! 就这样,经过一位大叔也就是母亲的老同学给小柯介绍了一份工作,但是这份工作很辛苦,他雨淋日晒,饱受沧桑,经过几年的拼搏,他终于成了一名优秀工人,还在砌砖比赛中获了奖。

而此时母亲在家已经不行了,如果母亲知道他的儿子已经成了一名优秀工人,一定会很高兴的。一次,小柯在上海血库无偿献血,当记者采访他时,他说: 人要有爱心,曾经在上海是也有人帮助过我,所以我也想去帮助别人。 当母亲看到她的儿子出现在电视上时,再也抑制不住内心的激动,扑了过去,可病重的她再次晕倒了。终于,小柯来看母亲了,但是这时恰巧检查出了窗户有问题,而那窗户正是小柯装的。为了大家的安全,小柯决定放弃最后一次见母亲的机会,留下来帮助大家拆窗户。为什么小柯不先去看她的母亲呢,那是因为大家的安全,终于,通过大家的齐心协力下,窗户拆下来了。当小柯赶到母亲那里时,母亲已经奄奄一息了。




The film tells an ideal story of friendship and return of prodigal people. After five years of hard working in the northwest, young farmer Root bagged with a saving of sixty thousand Yuan decides to go back to hometown to get married. During the long journey on the train that is full of thieves, rustic and na?ve Root however chooses to believe that it is “a world without thieves”.




Anxin  is an anti drug enforcement agent, when she is preparing her wedding with Tiejun, she falls in love with another man, Maojie the passion between them grows vigorously. Unfortunately, Anxin quickly married Tiejun after discovering her pregnancy. Everything seems going fine then, but it is only the beginning of tragedy: Anxin meets Maojie again when disguising herself as a drug dealer, later she even bees the witness against him which leads his family broken up. However, Mao’s lawyer exonerates Maojie after revealing the affairs between Mao and Anxin. Maojie determines to take revenge and the lovers bee enemies……


安心是公安局缉毒大队的侦察员,当他正准备和铁军结婚的时候,她与另外一个男人毛杰产生了爱慕之心,双双坠入爱河。当安心发现自己怀孕之后,她很快与铁军结了婚,婚后的生活和和美美,岂不知这只是悲剧的开始。在一次化装侦察的过程中,安心再次遇见毛杰,作为证人的安心, 在法庭调查毛杰时,提供了毛杰的犯罪证明,毛杰的家庭也因此而支离破碎。后来,毛杰的律师在法庭的调查中揭露了毛杰与安心曾为恋人的关系,毛杰决心要报复安心,曾经自己的恋人,成了敌人……

















*  五年级作文看电影

*  电影观后感500字

*  电影观后感400字


第1篇: 我最喜欢的一部电影






第2篇: 向你介绍一部电影




第3篇: 电影《隐形的翅膀》






第4篇: 我喜欢的一部电影





第5篇: 看电影《猫小贝》的感想






第6篇: 我看电影《小兵张嘎》






第7篇: 看电影《猫狗大战》





第8篇: 我最喜爱的一部电影



这个电影很好看,它不仅体现了蓝精灵们的团结互助,还有蓝爸爸为救孩子们不惜挺而走险的伟大父爱。人们常说父爱如山,我也这样认为,父爱是伟大的。当你病了的时候,是父亲把你背到医院;当你累了的时候,是父亲给你端上一杯热牛奶;当你哭了的时候,是父亲安慰着你。“世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝”,这是歌颂伟大母爱的,我却不这样认为,我认为“世上还有爸爸好”!每一位父亲,都深深爱着自己的孩子。父亲对我们的爱,让我们懂得了将来要好好孝敬父母! 蓝爸爸为儿女可以付出一切,包括生命。我们的父亲也一样。




This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight panda who is the son of a noodle maker, who dreams of Po following in his footsteps. But Po longs to be a ninja fighter. Po is as you know is a panda bear and the film's unlikely hero: as the bigger than life and pletely lovable bear voiced by the ic genius Jack Black. Po is a Sweet but clumsy, bear who hears the news the ancient and long awaited dragon warrior will be named, so he runs (as much as he can) to hear who will be named at the celebration. Without giving too much away, when an

continues until Shifu recognizes Po's true driving force. This is just in time as the villain Tai Lung (Ian McShane), a snow leopard has returned as he believe is the true Dragon Warrior.

Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated edy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and stars Jack Black as Po. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation's studio in Glendale, California and

distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voice of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong and Jackie Chan. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much-feared warrior is prophesied to escape from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior, much to his shock and surprise, as well as the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.Transformers is a 2007 live-action film adaptation of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a teenager involved in a war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday

machinery. The Decepticons desire control of the All Spark, the object that created their robotic race, with the intention of using it to build an army by giving life to the machines of Earth. Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight and John Turturro also star, while Peter Cullen and Hugo Weaving provide the voices of Optimus Prime and Megatron respectively.

My favorite movie is

treasure is a noodle who is learning in the valley, and bee the first fighting skill of kung fu masters. But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just a distant dream

only. The tortoise master recently had the foreboding: the great dragon snow leopard, is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely e and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting


Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in a large and busy town long ago with his faithful monkey friend Abu. When Princess Jasmine gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city, she sneaks out to the marketplace, where she accidentally meets Aladdin. Under the orders of the evil Jafar (the

sultan's advisor), Aladdin is thrown in jail and bees caught up in Jafar's plot to rule the land with the aid of a mysterious lamp. Legend has it that only a person who is a

>  Titanic Titanic is a love story about Jack and Rose.They were happy  to be with each other on the ship celled Titanic.On the night of April 15 1912,the Titanic had a serious accident on the way to America.Jack and Rose fell into thr sea with many other  people.They were very nervous and frightened because they  were afraid of losing each other.In the end,Rose was saved,

but Jack died.Rose felt very sad.She was so lonely.


At New York's Central Park Zoo, a lion (Stiller), a zebra (Rock), a giraffe

(Schwimmer), and a hippo (Smith) are best friends and stars of the show. But when one of the animals goes missing from their cage, the other three break free to look for him, only to find themselves reunited ... on a ship en route to Africa. When their vessel is hijacked, however, the friends, who have all been raised in captivity, learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.


Shortly after the end of world war ii, content was born in southern Alabama a block town, he congenital weak-minded, IQ is only 75, but his mother is a strong-minded woman, her to let the son and other normal person life, she often encourage forrestgump

a pair of pledge of such as fly

经典台词:  1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料. 2.Stupid is as stupid does.  蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福  5.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事.

In fact, it is only a gump, a fictional character, the movie just want to through the characters experience, teach people to a different kind of attitude of life is like forrestgump, that no matter what the next step will face, he can always dull to accept, and do your best, not plain, also not then, forrestgump, is actually the most simple, do your best, don't stop your footsteps.

3. The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)

In 1947, a banker named Andyis convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. There he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammerto escape from the prison.Finally,he is free and lives in a coastal town.He gets what he wants.And his prison-mate,Redfinally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence.Eventually Red es across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.   主题:hope  friendship  freedom 经典台词: 1、“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”

1.Roman Holiday.(罗马假日)

A Princess makes a goodwill tour of Rome .She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has played, then she escapes and meets up with a newspaper journalist on a street then she was taken his home and stay overnight. The next day , the journalist found that the girl is quite the princess. they have played together for a whole day and after spending time together in fun ,the reality of their love strongly shows, but she is reminded of her duties and returns to her previous life in the palace.

2. Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)

Forrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama. Although his IQ is just 75, his mother strives to make him feel no different from others。During his life, Forrest achieves a lot more than any normal people may dream of. He bees a college student because he can run very fast and is recruited in the college football team. After playing football for five years, Forrest join the army with his college degree. In the army, he meet a black young man called Bubba who does not look down upon him and they bee good friends. On the battlefield in Vietnam, Forrest saves the lives of many fellow soldiers, but he loses his friend Bubba. It happens that Forrest has an talent for ping-pong, so he is placed in the All-American Ping-Pong Team to visit China together with officia

delegation headed by President Nixon. With the money from doing advertisement for a Ping-Pong paddle pany, Forrest begins his life as a shrimp boat captain in honor of Bubba ,then Forrest bee  a millionaire.


1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.


2.Stupid is as stupid does.


5.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.




To face destiny, this film has three kinds figure represent three attitudes. Forrest’s mother represent believer, Captain Dan represent suspicious men, Jenny represent rebel. Maybe destiny is like that feather, which has no concrete direction ,and the ordinary experience tired us. However, any turning is controlled by themselves freely, there’s one thing you must do ─ do you best.


“I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is。”

Love is film’s eternal theme .We give our tears and laughter generously. The love in this film is a process which a man with low IQ speaks out “love”.I think that Forrest doesn’t only say to Jenny, but also say to his mother and Buba. Because the love realized by Forrest includes many things, not only heart.

The death of his mother and many times Jenny’s disappearance let Forrest know what love is .In fact, no matter whether Jenny love Forrest, Forrest gets love and we get love from this film.

3. The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)

In 1947, a banker named Andy is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. There he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammer to escape from the prison.Finally,he is free and lives in a coastal town.He gets what he wants.And his prison-mate,Red finally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence. Eventually Red es across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.

主题:hope  friendship  freedom


1、“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”    That’s why I like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough.

2、Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.


3、I guess it es down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.


4.brave heart (勇敢的心)

The movie begins in a small town of Scotland. Wallace lives with his father and his older brother. then they go to a battle between the British and their clan(宗族), but both die tragically(悲剧地). Then his uncle takes him away to live with him .when he grow up, he falls in love with a girl ,but at that time ,Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Then she is  killed by the lord(贵族). This enrages Wallace building a fine army to kill all Englishman .In the end , Wallace is dead for freedom。


Freedom is the main thing that Wallace pursue in his life. No matter what  difficulties he meet ,he still hold on his belief and use his whole life to prove what freedom is.

His spirits is marvelous and is worth learning.

In this film ,we see the handkerchief with thistle(蓝蓟花) many times .What it is stand for ?

The handkerchief with thistle  is the love token between Wallace and Aaron .

It is understood that this handkerchief as an important clue throughout the film congeals Wallace’s  deep and firm love towards his wife.

It  symbolizes the great spirits of Wallace’s unremitting struggle for the freedom and national independence.


When Wallace was young ,his father said: “Your heart is free .Have the courage to follow it.”

6.The legend of 1900(海上钢琴师)

1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia. 1900 was the year which the crew discovered the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. 1900 spent his whole life on the ship. Max, 1900’s best friend, attempts to persuade 1900 to leave the ship and if so, 1900 would achieve whatever he want. But he was too daunted by the size of the world. And feeling that his fate is tied to the ship, 1900 cannot bring himself to leave the only home he has known. In the end, the ship blew up and sinks, with 1900 still aboard. Max couldn't save his friend。


1900:That wasn't the problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see...In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end, the end of the world.

7. Homeless.To.Harvard(风雨哈佛路)

In this fact-based drama, Liz, who has a coke-addict father and an HIV-infected mother, spends her early years in a very confused life. At 15, she breaks away from her home life and takes to the streets. Only after the death of her mother does Liz develop the determination to better her lot in life. Virtually begging her way back into high school, she bees a superb student, and at 19, with funding from a scholarship and a part-time job with the New York Public Interest Group,

8. The.Day.After.Tomorrow(后天)

a paleoclimatologist, Professor Jack Hall, predicts that new Ice Age will soon es because of the global warming. Then the northern part of Ameirca will be covered by snow.He tries to save the world while also trying to get to his son, Sam, who was in New York City attending a petition, when the city was overwhelmed by coldness. Jack tries his best to save people and meanwhile he wants to keep his promise. So he's nearly the only one going north to look for his son. At last, he reached New York and get together with his son.

9. The.Terminal(幸福终点站)

You can say that the film is a edy or a romantic film. This film tells us such a story: Viktor Navorski t to New York In order to realize his father's dream of getting an autograph of a musician he loved. But unfortunately, when he reached the airport, he was told that his country was in war and his license was invalid. This meant that he wouldn’t be able to enter America. So he had to live in the airport and waited .At first, he had a lot of trouble and got in great mass. Several months later, he got used to the condition. Because of his childish, kindhearted and hard work, he made many friends and had a happy time there. At last, the man got the permission of leaving the airport and got the autograph of the musician, which was a happy ending.

10. The.Pursuit.of.Happyness(当幸福来敲门)

Every day, Christ had to work hard from morning till night, but still could hardly make a living. With the failure of his business, Christ had no money to pay for the rent, so they were driven away from the flat. They became homeless. They slept in subway station or anywhere as a temporary shelter. Life was absolutely depressing, but for his son’s future, for his own belief, Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would e one day if he worked hard enough today.

With his great efforts, Christ won a six-month internship, but there was no pay at all. So on one hand, Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand, he had to fight for his intern work, since only one of the tty interns would succeed finally. Besides, he had to take good care of his son after day care. However, Christ made it with his amazing willpower. At last, Christ succeeded in his career and happiness finally came.

I learned that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.

Development of events

Part one : Riding the bus

It was in San Francisco 1981, Chris spent all his money on buying medical equipments , but later he found that they were unpopular among doctors ,because they were expensive and almost

useless . everyday he did his best to promote the equipment to doctors ,but he can’t earn enough for the rent and kindergarten , his life was not easy .

Part two: Being stupid

In this part ,Chris had to apply for a work as a stock woker ,so he left the medical equipment with a girl ,but the girl took it away ! what a accident !

Part three : Running

He rann after the girl who had stolen the equipment ,finally ,he took it back ,another situation is that he had no money for the taxi ,so he escaped ;Third ,he was sent to the prison for owing the taxes ,and the next morning ,he ran to the stock pany for a interview with paint stains on his body .

Part four : Internship

Chris got the job as a internship for six months without salary ,,it was really a hard time for him ,he had to sell the equipment while working as a internship. Afterall , he earned some money from the medical equipments

Part five : Paying taxes

In this part ,there was a big hit to him ,the government took $600 from his account and he only had $21.33 left ,he was broke again .this part was the most impressive but inspiring one .During that time ,he and his son spent a night in the WC ,and lived in the church hospice for many days ,although there were many barriers ,he carried on seeking for the happiness.

Part six : Happiness

It was an exciting part ,Chris was succeed ,and he did it finally ,he became a successful stock worker!

I think it is really a good move ,we are unique and we are ourselves ,just hold a dream and do what you can do ,and do your best ,don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something .If you want something ,go and get it . It is said that the move is from a true story ,so we should believe the sentence that “Everything is possible” . 11.2012

Mayans predicted the world would e to an end in 2012.In the film, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver .He is told that due to and predatory destruction of the Earth's resources by humans, the balance system is already facing collapse, and mankind will face an unprecedented natural disaster .At first,he doesn’t believe in it.However, the next day, the disaster occurred. In order to survive,he takes his family to head for the Noah's Ark .In the process, Jackson has experienced a death in the face. Ultimately, they finally reached there. However, there are too many people.In the face of disaster, the human beings from different countries make the most important choice:

It can show our nature beings only if we meet big disaster. There are many scenes that can show our human’s justice and humanity. The president of USA chose to stay behind with the citizens, he tell them the truth, acpany with the citizens. His behave has moving me into tears. The Chinese people are also warm hearted; the Tibet mother and his son let other people e with them even though it can increase their danger. At last, the famous science argues with the captain to let the people go on board, I can see the happiness of all the people. How peaceful when they e to the board to bask in the sun.


Jake Sully is a paraplegic Marine .When his brother is killed in a robbery, he decides to take his place in a mission on the world of Pandora. There he learns that the greedy corporate figurehead wants to drive off the native humanoid

13. Hachiko.A.Dog's.Story(忠犬八公的故事)


Parker ,a college professor, encountered an abandoned dog. Its lonely figure sparked his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first, and does everything possible to pack it off .But then she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the family. Parker called it

Hachi acpanied the Parker entire family to grow together , then it grew gradually from the puppy into the colossus. Parker who was gentle even lay in ground and  picked the ball with the mouth to set an example for Hachi , but it is actually unable to teach Hachi to do it . During leisure time , Parker also made the massage for Hachi.

Every day ,Hachi acpanied Parker to work on time and at 5:00 in the evening appeared at the station entrance to wait Parker back. That was the time only for them! In the town, in the opinions of the station master, the hot-dog vendor and the store proprietress , this was the picture which already became accustomed to: That Parker es out from the station to call “Hachi” and the dog excitedly t forward had already bee the story which the station performed every day. One day when Hachi could pick the ball , Parker was very happy. However it was the last precious recollections between them……

Because on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station. Afterward, Hachi waited the professor at 5:00 pm every day, waited…waited ......the next day, the third day ......

From summer to autumn, in the nine-year period, Hachi still had no changes in the wind and rain until it finally died .


Loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you and it won’t change in the next ten thousand years; loyalty isn’t mean to be that I will wait for you for the rest of my life; loyalty isn’t mean to be that I love you beyond myself. However, loyalty is a sense of responsibility; loyalty is a sense of selfness, loyalty is a sense of concern.

The word “loyalty” is consisting of 7 letters, and I think each letter stand for different meanings: L —— Life

O —— Obligation

Y —— Yes

A —— Attention

L —— Love

T —— Total

Y —— You

Actually, to be loyal to someone is easy is easy to say, but hard to do. To be loyal, you should never forget anyone that you loved.

14. Alice.In.Wonderland(爱丽丝梦游仙境)

Alice, a beautiful 19-year-old girl, is betrothed to a man who has a rich family. At her engagement party, she escapes and falls down a hole in the garden. Then she arrives in a strange place called

15. The.Kings.Speech(国王的演讲

After the British empire George v died,since Edward viii chose a woman that make national all feel humiliated, he decides to abdicate George vi into the king's throne. However, George vi suffered a serious physical defect - stuttering problems. even very simple words he could not speak out timidly. As countries gradually evolved into the horrors of war, the state and the people desperately needed a wise leader. When George vi wife Elizabeth (Helena bonham carter - diggs) also will be the future queen mother, personally for her husband for language therapists Leon na er (Geoffrey rush diggs). Through a series of training, the new king got very big improvement and Leon na er bees king's friends. At last, George vi published the famous Christmas speech, inspired all the British people in war II.