

微信对人的影响 首先,简单介绍一下微信,微信(英文名:we chat)是腾讯公司于2011年1月21日推出的一个为智能终端提供即时通讯服务的免费应用程序,微信支持跨通信运营商、跨操作系统平台通过网络快速发送免费(需消耗少量网络流量)语音短信、视频、图片和文字,同时,也可以使用通过共享流媒体内容的资料和基于位置的社交插件“摇一摇”、“漂流瓶”、“朋友圈”、”公众平台“、”语音记事本“等服务插件。 微信提供公众平台、朋友圈、消息推送等功能,用户可以通过“摇一摇”、“搜索号码”、“附近的人”、扫二维码方式添加好友和关注公众平台,同时微信将内容分享给好友以及将用户看到的精彩内容分享到微信朋友圈。


1、     微信使我们沟通更加的方便,一定程度上改变了聊天方式,


2、     微信可以发表很多精炼简短文章,我每天都会看公众号阅



3、     说到微信讨论最多的是:“现在科技是否增加了彼此的感


4、     是科技,是微信,让彼此陌生的人彼此认识或者相互帮助,









多记住一些漂亮的词汇与句式,并运用在英语六级作文中是非常加分的,以下这篇是关于网络教学的影响的六级作文范文,希望对大家遣词造句水平的提升有所帮助。   题目:Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more people study online instead of attending school.


Nowadays, when it es to the issues of e-learning in the virtual world, individuals’ opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that e-learning on the Internet will bring us great convenience, while others are worried about that it will ruin the nature of study. As I see it, the issue that an increasing number of people are indulging in the e-learning can hardly be postponed in the ing future.

First and foremost, it can be imagined and predicted that students’ life will be absolutely and definitely changed for the future generation with e-learning being pervasive. There is no need for students to endeavor to finish those plicated study at school, which will be replaced by some on-line courses. However, that quick way to make achievements in study will also isolate students and hinder the munication between them. Consequently, they may be growingly indifferent and cold-blooded and lack social skills since they are separated entirely.

In a word, it is beneficial for students to choose sort of on-line course, while the face-to-face studying process at school also plays a significant role. It is time that we should place great emphasis on this issue and take some proper methods to enhance the situation.



篇一:电视对孩子的影响 The Impact of Television on Children

With the rapid development of modernization, television bees a necessity in every house. Recently, a research shows that 95% of children form the habit of watching TV for long hours every day, which makes teachers and parents panic, because watching TV for long hours may have very negative effects on the children.


The bad influence of watching TV for long hours covers the following points. First of all, there are a lot of illegal programs which may lead the children to the wrong way or form the wrong values. Secondly, with plenty of series to choose from, children bee less interested in taking exercises. TV has kept children indoor while they should spend time playing outside. Thirdly, the excessive watching TV can lower the children’s ability to study.


Undoubtedly, it is high time that parents should help the children to deal with the relation with the TV. Also, children ought to do some creative things like reading, singing, painting, and running instead of sitting in front of the TV all day long.



No one will deny that human beings have benefited a lot from the invention of television. It makes people learn the latest news and allows them to follow the latest development in politics and science. Many of the TV programs are both instructive and stimulating. People can almost travel throughout the world and acquaint themselves with the strangest customs while staying in their sitting room. Radio programs might provide the similar service, but on television screen everything is much more vivid, much more real.

However, people also have different opinions on television and have argued heartedly about its advantages and disadvantages since its invention. Some even relate it to the negative influence on our children and the increasing crime rate. One anxious mother said, "TV is really a nuisance to my son. He spends so much time watching TV that he doesn't do well in studying. He needs to stop!" According to the police, the number of young criminals is increasing rapidly, which results in the TV programs. They said some programs were full of violence and obscenity. They have bad influences on children.



长旺中心小学  潘大富  从小便喜欢看童话故事,现在长大了,成为人师,依旧改不掉这个习惯



一种享受,若是再有阳光和一杯清茶陪伴,那便更是惬意了。  最近看的一篇故事名为《一片自由





,它由此找回了目标。  故事的情节看起来很简单,但是里面隐藏着很多科普知识。如叶子要依靠











的生命,还给它一片翠绿。这是一个生命循环的自然规律。  怎么样?一个简单的故事情节决然看








。。。。。  我常这样想着,孩子毕竟是孩子,你给他们贯穿单一的科普知识,他们也许会觉得很



后再让他们说说从中学到了什么,最后教师再总结道理,我想效果也会很不一样。  读科普,学科


Influence of the Internet in our daily life

Nowadays, the Internet is used as an important tool by more and more people in dialy life. But is the Internet really do good to the society? The opinions are still divided on this point.

Someone who are in favor of the Internet claim that the main benefits of it are as follows. Firstly, sometimes a face-to-face talk with others is difficult to realize, and the Internet can help us municate via QQ or emails. Besides, if we meet some problems in school work or some difficulties in trade, information searching on the Internet can help us to solve them. Last but not least, the net shop is playing an increasingly more important role which has bee a popular pattern of consumption.





摘 要:随着国际化、全球化的不断推进,英语作为一种国际沟通交流的工具,受到了广泛关注。通常来讲,交际有口头语和书面语两种。发音不准确,会影响听的效果;书写不准确,则会直接影响看的效果。本文主要根据高考英语评分的标准分析卷面书写对作文成绩的影响,并提出有针对性的建议。   关键词:卷面书写;高考英语;作文评分   一、高考中英语作文评分标准分析   截至2013年六月份,我国已有18个省(自治区、直辖市)单独命题,再加上新课标I和II,全国高考共有20套英语试卷。很显然,各个省市的英语评分标准也不完全一样。但是,在英语作文这一方面,各套试卷的评分标准大同小异,本文将以上海高考英语作文评分标准为例进行分析。   1.高考中英语作文评分准则分析。首先,作文总分是25分,并且分为五个档次。按照考生对作文要求的完成度,阅卷教师直接给出一个整体的评分。   其次,评分时,阅卷教师根据文章的整体结构和内容表述,初步确定作文得分档次,然后根据其他影响得分的因素,更改或调整档次。从这一点可知,作文题评分方法是总体法,即阅卷教师通过整体印象给出分数,而不是依据语言点的错误数减分。   最后,判断完档次后,根据文章的主要内容、词汇的运用及语法准确性等确定最后给分。从这一点可知,作文是按照内容、语言和组织结构三个方面来进行综合判断。在阅卷过程中,首先,阅卷教师要评价作文内容是否符合题意;其次,要看内容的表达是否完整;再次,表达思想是语言是否合乎逻辑;最后,再关注是否有语法、词汇错误等导致的阅读障碍。   2.高考英语作文评分的注意点。在评卷时有三点要注意:首先,若没有达到规定字数或者超过规定字数限度的,扣2~3分;其次,考生的单词拼写是否准确,标点符号的使用是否无误,都将影响其最终得到的分数。最后,假如书写较差,令阅卷教师无法正确阅读内容,自然也会影响得分。   二、卷面书写对高考英语作文评分过程造成的影响   影响一篇作文得分的因素不仅仅是其内容、语言、语法等,书写水平也会对阅卷带来不小的影响。具体来说,评分标准中以下几个方面会受到卷面书写的影响:   1.卷面书写影响文章的整体印象。作文卷面的整洁可以使阅卷教师心情舒畅,以一种愉悦的心情来阅读文章,可以增加作文的印象分。阅卷教师拿到试卷,首先映入眼帘的是试卷的整体画面。一个书写认真、字迹优美的试卷肯定会令阅卷教师不那么厌烦,或者可以说令阅卷教师产生继续往下读的兴趣。因此,可以说,卷面书写直接影响阅卷教师的第一印象。   2.卷面书写影响文章的内容表达。文章内容表达是评卷教师初步确定作文属于哪一个档次的主要标准。鉴于高考阅卷的时间有限,阅卷教师往往一天要给上百份试卷进行评分,每一篇作文的评分时间不可能很长,因此,即使内容一样的两篇作文,卷面书写较差的一篇,会给阅卷教师造成理解上的困难,导致阅卷教师无法在短时间准确读出考生的真实写作意图,会影响作文的得分。   3.卷面书写影响文章的最终档次。在绝大多数省(自治区、直辖市)的高考英语评分标准中,对于卷面较差的作文,阅卷教师有权利在初步确定档次之后再降一个档次。   三、如何利用卷面书写提高高考英语作文整体得分   作文在高考英语中占的分值比例较大,在“一分决定命运”的高考中可谓是一盘“大菜”。而作文卷面书写在作文得分问题也一直受到广泛关注。笔者对高考英语阅卷教师进行采访发现,部分阅卷教师认为,考生卷面书写不工整,一般文章条理也不清晰;也有阅卷教师认为,有的试卷大量涂改,不光给阅卷人造成了理解上的困难,也是一种学识修养不足的表现;还有阅卷教师表示,阅卷时间较紧张的情况下,考生书写过于潦草,会导致阅卷教师难以对作文内容进行正确解读,最终评分较低。因此,结合阅卷教师的经验,一篇高考英语作文如果希望取得较高的评分,除了内容和语言,还应当注意以下几点:   1.字间距的掌握。因为是在答题纸上作答,行间距只要按照给出的空间写不会出现什么问题。重点在于单词与单词之间的距离要把握好,不可出现单词粘连的情况,尽量保持卷面整洁、清晰,让阅卷教师在阅卷过程中可以保持轻松愉快的心情。   2.事先打好草稿。大部分考生并非不在意卷面的整洁,而是作文写好之后,发现确实有需要修改之处,不得不加上大量插入符号、箭头等影响卷面美观的标点。为了避免这种情况,考生在写作前应当深思熟虑,打好草稿,以免作文写好后再进行大量修改。如果时间紧迫,无法打好完整的草稿,也应当在草稿纸上列出提纲,再根据提纲写作。   3.保持卷面整洁,字迹清晰。作答时保证卷面的干净、整洁,以便给阅卷教师留下一个好印象,同时,还要注意检查作文在语法、单词拼写方面是否有错误,修改时,切忌乱涂乱画,要给阅卷教师一个简单明了的答案。   4.正确进行分段、使用标点符号。阅卷教师发现不少考生的写作习惯是从不分段,也不写标点符号,这在很大程度上影响着作文得分。考生应当在平时的学习中养成良好的行文习惯,在写作时正确使用标点符号并分段。   每位考生都渴望在高考作文中做到尽善尽美,因此需要注意卷面书写,确保自己所学知识能得到较好的展现,保证自己的努力得到公正的评价。   参考文献:   [1]阮云正.高中英语书面表达的错误归因及对策[J].中学生英语,2006,(06).   [2]姜岁兵.高中英语书面表达文采的提高[J].中小学外语教学,人民教育出版社,2002,(06).   [3]李颖.高考英语书面表达评分标准解读[J]、中学生英语(高中版),2009,(Z7).






Parental behaviors growth of children plays a very important role.

Parents often are children's behavior and personality traits of example. Aggressive parents always motivated to cultivate strong kids, gentle foster parents are mild-mannered child. If the parents duplicity, words and deeds, the child will imitate their behavior, their teachings are ignored. Kids especially like to imitate good education and a strong personality parents do not love mimic cold and weak parents. Parents often talk with the child, the child will develop better verbal and social skills, if you do not often talk to children and vice versa. If the parents often tell children a play, children often get the recognition of other children, but also good to identify and interpret the emotions and feelings of other children.

In fact, if a child lives in a world of kindness, love and responsibility of the family, he would bee a healthy, honest, optimistic, people who make a difference. If a child lives in a world of ignorance, barbarism, depravity and selfishness of the family, in the future he may be a danger to society even rude no upbringing.

Parents are their children's first teachers, and even a child's lifelong teacher. So when parents educate their children, to constantly improve their own quality and morality, democratic family relations, strive to grow with your child.



The usage of Internet bees one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet. First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof. In the library, it is hard to find so much

However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet.

Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.





The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. Your should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Impact of the Computer on Writing Ability

As we can see, from left to right, there is a brush, a pen and a puter in the picture, which indicates the development of the way people write with. Under each one of them, there are two Chinese characters meaning “handwriting”. Obviously, the two characters under the puter are not as beautiful as the rest ones, which implies that with the popularity of puter, people’s writing ability has deteriorated.

This picture brings us the question whether we are going forward or backward after the popularity of puter. There is no doubt that our life has bee much easier owing to the conveniences puter has brought. However, people have depended so much on puter that they can hardly do things well without it, which results in the degeneration in some abilities, such as writing ability and munication ability. In this sense, puter has made us go backward.

Alarmed by the issue reflected in the picture, we should do something to prevent ourselves from the side effects of puter. As far as I am concerned, we should limit the time we spend on puter and try to develop as many good habits as possible in spare time.


A Summery of “China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes”

By 欧阳思思 (12020102203179)

Since freeing the economy in 1979, China has spreaded prosperity across its cities, but the swift moves to abundance also changes traditional Chinese living pattern to mimic Western habits. The huge bad effects that Western ways bring can be well showcased in the aspect of eating and drinking. First, with the improvement of working conditions and consumption baskets, Chinese begin using vegetable oil to cook, eat more fat and exercise less than before. Also according to the research, the amount of fat in the diet has more than double over the past 20 years. Yet these dietary changes do not bring stronger and healthier bodies in return but many problems such as obesity and diet-related illness. Second, the increased supplies of alcohol and the rising disposable ine have spurred drinking in China. Per- capita consumption of alcohol in 2000 jumps by 320% pared to that in 1978. Besides, the number of alcoholics grows so fast that the demand for alcoholism care has risen sharply. All in all, as it rushes to duplicate the fort and convenience of life in the developed world, China risks copying the Western lifestyle’s worst aspects, especially of unhealthy eating and drinking, which will costs China a lot in the feature and may drag its economy down.



The usage of Internet bees one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet. First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical

proof. In the library, it is hard to find so much

physically attend class. In addition, Internet provides me a better way to municate with my friends and professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a message from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also, the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of delivery.

However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and

harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet.

Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.